Peer-Review Policy

 Peer-Review Policy

Article Processing and Reviewing

Once an article is submitted, it undergoes a thorough double-blind peer review process. Authors receive an acknowledgment email within a few hours of submission.

Initial Desk Review

The first assessment stage is a desk review conducted by the Editorial Team, which typically takes 4-5 working days. The article is evaluated based on:

1. Originality (checked via Turnitin for plagiarism)
2. Relevance to the journal's scope
3. Compliance with submission guidelines
4. Confirmation that the work is unpublished and not under consideration elsewhere

Authors may withdraw their paper during this initial review stage.

Double-Blind Peer Review Process

After passing the desk review, the article enters the double-blind peer review stage. 

1. First Round of Review: A national reviewer reviews The manuscript anonymously. Any suggested revisions are communicated to the author, who must incorporate these changes for the next review stage.

2. Second Round of Review: The revised manuscript undergoes another round of double-blind review by a national reviewer. Further revisions suggested by the reviewer must be addressed by the author before the paper can be considered for publication.

Review Outcomes

Reviewers can provide one of four recommendations:

1. Accept without revisions (rare)
2. Accept with minor revisions (e.g., re-writing, updating, elaborating certain sections)
3. Accept with major revisions (e.g., methodology changes, factual corrections, clarifying arguments, improving the abstract)
4. Reject

The review and publication decision process takes approximately 8-9 weeks from submission.

Incorporation of Reviewer Comments

Papers are published only after all reviewer comments have been addressed. Submissions may be rejected if:

- The author(s) fail to incorporate the revisions suggested by reviewers.
- The author(s) do not meet the submission deadlines.
- In cases where major revisions are required, only one resubmission is allowed.

Authors are informed of the publication decision through the editor's email (