Call for Paper Submission - Second Issue(Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023))


Call for Submissions: Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applied Data Science (JISADS) - Second Issue of (Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)), ISSN (2974-9840)

Dear Researchers and Academics,

We are delighted to announce that the Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applied Data Science (JISADS) is now open for submissions for the second issue (Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)). JISADS is a peer-reviewed, open-access electronic journal that emphasizes the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach to technology, innovation, and data science.

We invite researchers and academics from various fields and subjects to contribute their work to JISADS. Submissions should align with the journal's focus on intelligent systems and applied data science. Whether it's groundbreaking research, innovative methodologies, or practical applications, we welcome high-quality contributions from experts in their respective domains.

Submission Guidelines:
All articles and papers submitted for publication must adhere to JISADS's publication rules. We encourage authors to review our guidelines carefully before submitting their work. As a peer-reviewed journal, submitted articles will be reviewed thoroughly to ensure the utmost quality and relevancy.

Submission could be online through our submission system or via email at

Key Dates:

Submission Open: 01-09-2023
Paper Submission Deadline: 20/12/2023
Notification of Acceptance: (21-31)/12/2023
Publication of First Issue: (01-10)/12/2024

There are no Article Processing Charges (APCs), and the publication is totally free.

For more information about the submission process, guidelines, and the Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applied Data Science (JISADS), please get in touch with

Thank you for your support and interest in JISADS. Together, let's contribute to advancing intelligent systems and applied data science.

Best regards,
Editor-in-Chief: Wasim Ali
Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applied Data Science (JISADS) ISSN (2974-9840)